Temple Israel Cemetery
Paducah, Kentucky
Founded 1864
Front of Historical Sign
June 2008
Photo by Lynn Franklin

Temple Israel Cemetery
Highway 45
Lone Oak Road
Paducah, KY
Memorial Plaque
Copyright � 2008 Lynn A. Franklin All rights reserved.
This page may not be copied or reproduced without the express written permission of Lynn A. Franklin.
Click here for Selected Wills or Marriage Records.
Surname Birth Name Birth Date Death/Record Comment Inscription Hebrew?
Aaron Sophie Jan. 30, 1806 May 18, 1878 Native of Hohenzollern, Hechingen, Germany Died at Metropolis, Ill. . . M
Ackerman Herman A. Nov. 2, 1863 Sept. 30, 1933 Born in Kreutznach, Germany . . .
Ackerman Jeane Apr. 2, 1895 Aug. 3, 1955 Beloved Sister Born in Sauerne, Alsace-Lorraine . .
Ackerman Lucie Mathilde May 2, 1900 Dec. 22, 1953 Beloved Sister Born in Sauerne, Alsace-Lorraine . .
Ackerman Lucien F. Sept. 10, 1905 Jan. 14, 1985 Born in Saverlil, France . . .
Altman Beatrice D. Nov. 19, 1910 Apr. 13, 2003 . . . .
Altman Carrie Michelson Sept. 21, 1876 Aug. 3, 1958 Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Altman Ike July 15, 1873 Dec. 21, 1942 Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Altman Jeanette . . Infant Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ike Altman . . .
Anspacher Abraham E. Nov. 10, 1843 Mar. 7, 1916 Born in Buttenhausen Wurtemberg Germany . . .
Anspacher Maria Henriettie Aug. 19, 1851 Mar. 9, 1937 Born in Rotzsh Saxony Germany . . .
Baer Joseph Aug. 1, 1827 Nov. 27, 1908 Born in Baden, Germany . . .
Baer Mary Nov. 1, 1847 May 29, 1917 . . . .
Baer Moses Feb. 21, 1836 Sept. 11, 1894 . . . .
Ballew Alan Mar. 11, 1942 May 31, 2004 June 14, 1965 wed In Loving Memory . .
Ballew Elsie Weintraub Nov. 2, 1917 . In Loving Memory . . .
Ballew James Ellis Sept. 4, 1906 July 17, 1983 In Loving Memory . . .
Ballew Leonard E. Jan. 2, 1940 Mar. 15, 1987 Our Son, Brother, Father and Beloved Husband of E-Ling . . .
Ballew Phyllis Crider Apr. 17, 1945 . June 14, 1965 wed In Loving Memory . .
Bamberger Jeannette Sloan Jan. 6, 1888 May 6, 1933 . . . .
Barbor D. "Dave" May 28, 1942 . Son . . .
Baskin Lena Oct. 28, 1899 Oct. 5, 1976 Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Baskin Louis May 5, 1892 Mar. 31, 1945 Beloved Husband of Anna W. Baskin . . .
Baskin Morris Apr. 13, 1898 Dec. 1, 1959 Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Baskin Nat Dec. 14, 1930 Apr. 22 1996 Beloved Son and Brother . . .
Bernard Pearl Blum June 7, 1884 Aug. 8, 1964 . . . .
Bernard Stanley K. Nov. 1, 1888 Mar. 18, 1972 . . . .
Bernheim Eleanore Marguerite Jan. 18, 1884 Jan. 28, 1884 Infant Daughter of Bernard & Rosa Bernheim . . .
Biederman Antonette June 13, 1829 Jan. 31, 1913 Wife of Isaac Biederman Born in Raandegg, Baden, Ger. Died in Paducah, Ky. . .
Biederman Henry Aug. 10, 1859 Feb. 26, 1929 Born in Randegg, Baden, Ger. Died in Paducah, Ky. . .
Biederman Isaac Apr. 23, 1830 Sept. 30, 1886 Born in Randegg, Baden, Germany Died in Paducah, Ky. Hebrew .
Biederman Jacob Dec. 31, 1857 Oct. 15, 1923 Born in Randegg, Baden, Ger. Died in Paducah, Ky. . .
Biederman Joseph Mar. 11, 1865 May 14, 1902 Son . . .
Bodenheimer Dussette Dryfuss Mar. 15, 1847 Jan. 18, 1929 Beloved Wife . . .
Bodenheimer Isaac May 19, 1834 Oct. 17, 1887 Father (married Mathelda Wile 20th Sept 1862) . .
Bodenheimer Louis June 9, 1841 Sept. 10, 1887 Beloved Husband . . .
Bodenheimer Louis Nov. 9, 1881 June 27, 1905 Son . . .
Bodenheimer Mathilde (Wile) Feb. 22, 1839 May 9, 1922 Mother (Married Isaac Bodenheimer 20th Sept. 1862) . .
Bright Adolph Pearson May 31, 1895 Apr. 18, 1941 American Legion Medal . . .
Bright Florence R. Jan. 17, 1905 July 25, 1959 Wife of Irving P. Bright . . .
Bright Irving P. May 3, 1892 Jan. 27, 1981 . . .
Bright Pearl Dec. 17, 1869 Jan. 12, 1944 . . . .
Bronstein Bessie Mar. 19, 1882 June 16, 1943 Wife and Mother . . .
Bronstein Norman Harold June 24, 1911 Feb. 16, 1979 Husband, Father, Grandfather . . .
Bronstein Sol Sept. 15, 1887 Sept. 23, 1967 Husband and Mother . . .
Bronstein Selma Sylvia May 20, 1911 June 24, 1989 . . . .
B---st--- W Sept. 25, 1880 Aug. 16, 1881 . . Hebrew .
Carlick Benjamin 1886 (Sept. 7) 1930 . . Hebrew .
Carlick Burney Apr. 24, 1917 Jan. 1, 1919 our Darling Baby . . .
Carlick Harry Dec. 5, 1912 Mar. 28, 1970 . . . .
Carlick Helen 1892 (Apr. 21) 1973 . . Hebrew .
Cazner Ruby Apr. 22, 1897 Sept. 23, 1942 . . . .
Cohen Anna Jan. 1, 1870 Mar. 7, 1958 Beloved Mother . . .
Cohen Carl Nov. 12, 1889 Oct. 6, 1968 Beloved Brother . . .
Cohen Goldie June 23, 1903 Feb. 13, 1974 Beloved Sister . . .
Cohen Ike Mar. 22, 1862 June 30, 1931 Beloved Father . . .
Cohen Reuben May 1, 1891 July 27, 1934 Beloved Brother . . .
Cohen Samuel Mar. 15, 1869 Dec. 07, 1923 No stone found Born in Germany . .
Cohn Allen Morton 1896 1961 . . . .
Cohn Beatrice Altman 1904 1987 . . .
Cohn Samuel K. Mar. 6, 1852 Sept. 10, 1917 Father . . .
Cohn Sara W. May 22, 1860 Nov. 21, 1953 Mother . . .
Cole Sarah Weil May 22, 1860 Nov. 21, 1953 No stone found Daughter of Louis and Fanny (Dryfus) Weil . .
Colman Herbert Apr. 18, 1914 May 20, 1987 Together Forever . . photo
Colman Louise Johnson Jan. 22, 1919 July 4, 1986 Together Forever . . photo
Denkmahl . Dec. 29, 1869 Sept. 4, 1882 Geb. Zu Herschberg, RheinBayern . . .
Desberger David Jan. 24, 1872 Oct. 9, 1932 Beloved Husband & Father . . .
Desberger Norma L. June 5, 1888 Jan. 12, 1964 Beloved Wife & Mother . . .
Dreyfuss Sol Mar. 12, 1856 June 8, 1913 . . . .
Dreyfuss Tillie Mar. 13, 1860 May 9, 1934 . . . .
Dryfuss Clara Levy Sept. 14, 1859 Dec. 11, 1939 Our Beloved Wife and Mother Sacred Memory . .
Dryfuss Henry June 17, 1843 May 7, 1909 Our Beloved Husband and Father Rest in Peace . .
Dryfuss Leopold Mar. 22, 1850 Mar. 4, 1920 . . . .
Dryfuss Simon Aug. 2, 1845 Apr. 7, 1925 . . . .
Ehrenfeld Isadore Rittow Aug. 18, 1872 July 18, 1935 Father . . .
Ensel Caroline Mar. 7, 1803 Mar. 13, 1874 Mother . . .
Ensel Gustav S. Apr. 7, 1827 Nov. 14, 1901 Son of Seligman & Caroline Ensel Born at Hechincen, Hohenzollern, Germany . .
Fels and Rubel Monument . . . . . .
Fels E. . . . . . .
Fels Emma Aug. 21, 1842 May 27, 1890 . . . .
Fels Emma R. May 8, 1858 Dec. 17, 1943 . . . .
Fels Samuel Sept. 18, 1833 Sept. 19,1923 . . . .
Finkel Eve Fixman Oct. 25, 1896 Aug. 14, 1988 . . . .
Finkel Infant Daughter Oct. 8,1930 Oct. 8, 1930 Infant Daughter of Joe and Maxine Finkel . . .
Finkel Juanita Oct. 18, 1924 . . . . .
Finkel Leo Joe July 15, 1905 July 6, 1989 . . . .
Finkel Maxine U. Oct. 29, 1910 Jan. 14, 1973 . . . .
Finkel Samuel H. Dec. 27, 1895 June 23, 1967 . . . .
Folz Jake Sept. 18, 1873 Oct. 31, 1906 . . . .
Folz Leopold Feb. 10, 1833 Mar. 18, 1904 . . . .
Frank Abraham L. Mar. 16, 1873 Dec. 20, 1941 . . . .
Frank Sophia Levy May 15, 1873 Jan. 1, 1953 . . . .
Friedberg Babeth, Mrs. Dec. 26, 1806 Feb. 5, 1877 Wife of Leopold Friedberg . . .
Friedman and Keiler Monument . . . . . .
Friedman and Laevison Monument . . . . . .
Friedman Bernhard Feb. 14, 1872 Nov. 7, 1873 Children of Mr. & Mrs. Julius Friedman Infant Son . .
Friedman Carrie Dec. 17, 1877 Aug. 18, 1878 Children of Mr. & Mrs. Julius Friedman Infant Daughter . .
Friedman David Apr. 30, 1824 Apr. 18, 1894 Born Coburg Saxony In Memory of My Beloved Husband . .
Friedman Emma Levy June 14, 1871 May 21, 1958 Beloved Wife & Mother . . .
Friedman Herman Sept. 25, 1830 Sept. 18, 1869 Aged 28 Yrs 11 Ms 23 Da's . Hebrew .
Friedman Hermen Nov. 21, 1869 Mar. 12, 1952 Beloved Husband . . .
Friedman J. Isaac Mar. 15, 1876 Nov. 22, 1917 Beloved Brother . . .
Friedman Jeanette July 13, 1840 June 6, 1914 Beloved Wife of Julius Friedman . . .
Friedman Jessy Dec. 17, 1877 Aug. 11, 1878 Children of Mr. & Mrs. Julius Friedman Infant Daughter . .
Friedman Joseph Apr. 14, 1857 July 5, 1913 . . . .
Friedman Julius Sept. 5, 1837 Dec. 26, 1921 Beloved Husband of Jeannette Friedman . . .
Friedman Leopold Dec. 11, 1829 June 20, 1887 . . . .
Friedman Lizzie Keiler 1861 1908 Wife of ---eph L. Friedman . . .
Friedman Louisa Weil May 16, 1838 Feb. 2, 1922 . . . .
Glasser Dottie Lookofsky Oct. 10, 1922 Feb. 5, 2001 Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother . . .
Glasser Harold Mar. 25, 1918 Feb. 10, 1996 Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather . . .
Goldnamer Bernard I. . Oct. 14, 1894 Aged 4 yrs. 6 weeks Died at Princeton, Ky . .
Goldnamer Raymond K. . Aug. 31, 1893 Aged 1 Year 1 Week Son of J. & N. Goldnamer . .
Goldstein Anna Jan. 6, 1921 July 23, 2002 25 Teveth 5681 14 Av 5763 . .
Graff Liah, Mrs. . May 23, 1893 Aged 83 Years . . .
Green George 1916 1973 . . . .
Green Margot 1921 . . . . .
Gruenebaum James Jacob 1873 (Feb 18) 1963 Beloved Husband . . .
Gruenebaum Mayme Dryfuss 1882 (Aug. 26) 1962 Beloved Wife . . .
Harris Vault . . . . . . .
Harris Hattie F. . June 25, 1940 Beloved Wife of Julius L. Harris . . .
Harris Julius L. . Jan. 30, 1948 Beloved Husband and Father "Julius" misspelled on marker . .
Harris Lena Dec. 9, 1834 Sept. 26, 1864 Wife of L. Harris . . .
Hecht Jacob S. 1862 1905 . . . .
Herman Alfred Sept. 7, 1863 Dec. 30, 1925 . . . .
Herman Elizabeth Mar. 13, 1869 Sept. 15, 1908 Wife of Alfred Herman . . .
Hersher Hagar May 21, 1859 Oct. 18, 1881 Daughter of Hyman [?] & Miriam [?] Hoffstadt Wife of David Hebrew .
Hersher Herman July 8, 1836 Nov. 28, 1894 Born in Bockehausen, Bhein Pfalz Beloved Husband & Father . .
Hersher Mary Weille Oct. 2, 1862 Aug. 25, 1891 Wife of David Hersher Mother & Child . .
Herwitz Augusta Selig Jan. 31, 1869 June 15, 1932 . . . .
Herwitz Harry Oct. 17, 1860 Jan. 13, 1959 . . . .
Hirsch Dorothy Bronstein Apr. 21, 1915 Jan. 7, 1988 Wife, Mother, Grandmother . . .
Hirsch Joseph Max Oct. 13, 1935 Sept. 20, 1943 . . . .
Hirsch Maryon Tick Dec. 9, 1903 Sept. 24, 1979 Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Hirsch Theodor Felix Sept. 26, 1908 July 4, 2000 Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather . . .
Hynes Dave Dec. 25, 1884 Feb. 7, 1958 Beloved Uncle . . .
Jones Leta Levin Oct. 8, 1893 July 15, 1980 . . . .
Kahn . . . Darling mother . . .
Kahn A. G. Dec. 27, 1868 May 20, 1887 Son of Moses & Fannie Kahn . Hebrew .
Kahn Barbara Wolff Nov. 7, 1824 Oct. 9, 1894 Wife of Nathan Kahn . . .
Kahn Emmie Hecht Mar. 18, 1860 Sept. 12, 1893 Wife of Oscar Kahn . . .
Kahn Eugene S. June 27, 1878 Sept. 18, 1928 Beloved Husband Father . .
Kahn Flora May 6, 1856 July 20, 1880 Daughter of Nathan and Barbara Obituary . .
Kahn Lena Harris . Dec. 23, 1954 Beloved Wife Mother . .
Kahn Moses July 1, 1837 Oct. 21, 1897 . . Hebrew .
Kahn Nathan Aug. 23, 1827 Feb. 7, 1913 . . . .
Kahn Oscar Apr. 21, 1862 May 9, 1928 . . . .
Kaufman Diane Rebecca Oct. 9, 1907 May 18, 1975 Beloved Parents and Grandparents Deena Rifka . .
Kaufman Estelle C. Jan. 12, 1881 Feb. 1, 1966 . . . .
Kaufman Max, Rabbi Dec. 18, 1894 May 17, 1975 Beloved Parents and Grandparents Eli Melech . .
Keiler Blanche C. Nov. 14, 1866 Mar. 9, 1954 . . . .
Keiler Irene B. May 15, 1896 Dec. 18, 1989 . . . .
Keiler John W. July 4, 1862 May 22, 1929 . . . .
Keiler Leo F. Mar. 3, 1883 June 29, 1958 . . . .
Keiler Sarah 1829 1899 . . . .
Keiler William 1827 1898 . . . .
Klein Adaline July 4, 1829 Sept. 7, 1905 Mother . . .
Klein Flora Harris Oct. 3, 1870 June 11, 1968 Beloved Wife . . .
Klein Isadore Apr. 4, 1867 Nov. 28, 1929 Beloved Husband . . .
Klein Joseph Nov. 1, 1859 Feb. 12, 1927 Age 68 Years . . .
Klein Julia Apr. 24, 1859 Aug. 11, 1905 Wife of Jos. Klein . . .
Klein Nathan 1896 1936 . . . .
Klein Nathan Jan. 29, 1816 Oct. 22, 1893 Father . . .
Klein Rosa, Miss Jan. 28, 1858 Dec. 20, 1882 Born at Louisville, Ky.;died at Paducah, KY Daughter of ? & ? Klein . .
Klein Stella Dec. 3, 1876 Dec. ?, ???? . . . .
Laevison A. M. Apr. 5, 1833 June 28, 1897 . . . .
Laevison Joe B. July 31, 1876 Feb. 5, 1927 . . . .
Laevison Sophia May 10, 1844 Aug. 7, 1904 . . . .
Lang Ella Mar. 23, 1909 Oct. 19, 1962 Born in Osijek, Jugoslavia Died in Paducah, Kentucky . .
Lang Richard . Aug. 5, 1962 Beloved Infant Son of Walter & Judith Lang . . .
Leiber Meyer Apr. 14, 1826 Oct. 9, 1875 . . Hebrew .
Levin Frank, Jr. Sept. 14, 1897 Jan. 30, 1947 Husband Father . .
Levin Frank, Sr. July 16, 1865 Nov. 13, 1938 Father Husband . .
Levin Hiram Robert Apr. 27, 1906 Oct. 23, 1908 Son of Frank & Mary E. Levin . . .
Levin Laura Inez May 27, 1902 Jan. 29, 1979 . . . .
Levin Mary E. Nov. 11, 1880 May 2, 1962 Mother Wife . .
Levin Mattie M. Oct. 25, 1895 Feb. 19, 1963 . . . .
Levin Maurice R. Feb. 28, 1901 Jan. 3, 1971 Husband . . .
Levy Family Marker . . . . . . .
Levy Adolph Mar. 2, 1863 Jan. 9, 1897 Son of Alex & Sophie Levy . . .
Levy Alexander Dec. 12, 1829 Feb. 5, 1919 Born at Hechingen, Germany . . .
Levy Bertha 1859 Sept. 9, 1912 Wife of David J. Levy . . .
Levy David J. 1867 Jan. 29, 1930 Father . . .
Levy Genevieve H. Sept. 3, 1903 Dec. 12, 1994 . . .
Levy Hannah Friedman July 14, 1868 June 11, 1921 . . . .
Levy Infant Son . Nov. 25, 1893 Infant son of Will I. & Hannah Levy . . .
Levy Isaac Jan. 22, 1825 Jan. 12, 1889 Father Born at Hechingen, Hohenzollern, Germany . .
Levy James W. Jan. 28, 1896 June 8, 1960 . . . .
Levy Lionel Oct. 5, 1892 Jan. 15, 1911 Son of Louis & Rosa Levy . . .
Levy Pearl Michelson Mar. 14, 1878 Nov. 27, 1960 . Same Vault as Simon J. Michelson . .
Levy Peppie Oct. 11, 1832 Aug. 19, 1912 Mother Born at Hechingen, Hohenzollern, Germany . .
Levy Samuel I. Sept. 14, 1852 June 7, 1915 Son of Isaac & Peppie Levy Born at Marion KY. . .
Levy Sophie Oct. 30, 1838 Aug. 15, 1904 Wife of Alex Levy . . .
Levy Stella . Dec. 23, 1935 Our Sister . . .
Levy Will I. Feb. 22, 1859 May 15, 1904 . . . .
Lichtenstein Bertha Apr. 19, 1863 Oct. 11, 1894 Mother . . .
Lichtenstein Leah Sept. 20, 1815 Oct. 16, 1910 In Memory of Our Beloved Mother & Grand Mother . . .
Lieber Hattie . Dec. 17, 1869 Daughter of Mayer Lieber Aged 1 Year 10 Months . .
Lieber Leon Jan. 27, 1887 Feb. 21, 1888 Infant Son of Bernard & Dora Liebert Aged 1 Year 24 Days . .
Lieber Son . Aug. 10, 188? Son of Barnard & Dora Lieber Aged 10 ms, 2? Dys . .
Livingston A. L. (Abe) Jan. 7, 1870 Mar. 6, 1933 Our Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Livingston Aimee Z. Sept. 22, 1875 Jan. 15, 1967 . . . .
Livingston Alene Fleming Feb. 4, 1908 Sept. 18, 2000 Our Beloved Wife and Mother Mother . .
Livingston Amelia (Friedberg) May 22, 1843 Feb. 25, 1915 Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Livingston Babette (Dreyfuss) . Apr. 15, 5625 Aged 25 yearsBorn in Altdorf, Baden Wife of M. Livingston (married 15 Feb 1863) . .
Livingston Blanche Schwab June 4, 1878 Feb. 9, 1934 Our Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Livingston Dora . . . . . .
Livingston Flora Mae Levin Feb. 27, 1892 Nov. 30, 1970 . . . .
Livingston Harry J. Jan. 26, 1876 Apr. 6, 1965 Our Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Livingston Harry Joseph June 21, 1918 Aug. 18, 2001 . . . .
Livingston Infant . . . . . .
Livingston Lee July 29, 1871 Nov. 26, 1939 Father . . .
Livingston Lee, Jr. Mar. 1, 1914 Dec. 8, 1974 Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Livingston Louise Apr. 16, 1901 Aug. 23, 1901 Daughter of Harry & Blanche Livingston Infant Livingston . .
Livingston Mangold Feb. 26, 1833 June 25, 1899 Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Livingston Martha Sept. 15, 1875 Aug. 24, 1948 Our Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Livingston Maurice R. Feb. 28, 1901 Jan. 3, 1971 Husband . . .
Livingston Milton M., Sr. Aug. 20, 1908 Aug. 23, 1973 Our Beloved Husband and Father Father . .
Livingston Sam G. Nov. 8, 1873 Aug. 16, 1924 . . . .
Livingston Sam, Jr. June 18, 1912 Dec. 29, 1992 . . . .
Loeb . . . (child's stone) . . .
Loeb Adolph Aug. 6, 1855 Aug. 5, 1891 Born Hechingen, HohenzollernGermany . . .
Loeb Beulah Dec. 13, 1885 July 6, 1888 Child of Reuben & Rosa Loeb Our Darling Beulah . .
Loeb Infant Son . Jan. 15, 1910 Infant Son of Henry & Bertha . . .
Loeb Mathilda June 27, 1854 Jan. 17, 1875 . . . .
Loeb Minnie S. Mar. 16, 1883 Aug. 11, 1967 In Memory of Our Beloved Wife & Mother . . .
Loeb Nellie Apr. 16, 1888 July 5, 1888 Our Dear Nellie . . .
Loeb Reuben Dec. 12, 1829 Mar. 6, 1902 In Memory of Our Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Loeb Rosa Dec. 11, 1852 Dec. 28, 1924 In Memory of Our Beloved Mother . . .
Loeb Rudolph Feb. 27, 1886 May 6, 1925 . . . .
Loeb Samuel M. Dec. 15, 1874 Mar. 20, 1875 . . . .
Loeb Sydney H. July 10, 1880 Jan. 24, 1952 In Memory of Our Beloved Husband & Father . . .
Loeser Bettie Jan. 1, 1868 Dec. 1, 1903 Wife of Julius Loeser Mother . .
Lookofsky Evelyn J. Dec. 5, 1911 Nov. 20, 1990 . . . .
Lookofsky Joseph Jan. 15, 1886 Feb. 7, 1940 . . Hebrew .
Lookofsky Louis Sept. 7, 1911 Jan. 20, 1996 . . . .
Lookofsky Louis Feb. 15, 1893 Sept. 191, 1943 Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Lookofsky Mary May 15, 1889 Oct. 29, 1951 . . . .
Lookofsky Rose Jan. 1, 1891 Aug. 1, 1959 Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Lowenthal Cora Lou Aug. 25, 1889 Jan. 2, 1936 Wife of R. H. Lowenthal . . .
Lowenthal Leonie Wepfer May 20, 1898 June 7, 1977 Wife of Robert H. Lowenthal . . .
Lowenthal Max Jerry Apr. 13, 1863 Dec. 28, 1951 Uncle of R. H. Lowenthal . . .
Lowenthal Robert H. Jan. 28, 1885 Aug. 30, 1972 Husband of Leonie Wepfer Lowenthal . . .
Macher Ida Sloan Oct. 31, 1898 Mar. 2, 1964 . . . .
Manas Morris Apr. 26, 1882 Sept. 23, 1945 . . . .
Manas Sarah Mar. 31, 1882 Mar. 25, 1965 . . . .
Marcoffsky Abe 1864 (Jan. 8) 1943 . . . .
Marcoffsky Carl . 1903 . . . .
Marcoffsky Esther 1887 (Dec. 7) 1965 . . . .
Marcoffsky Jake . 1904 . . . .
Marcoffsky Louis 1900 1965 Love Always Honey Your Wife Leila . .
Marcoffsky Millie 1871 1904 . . . .
Marcoffsky Milton 1907 (Sept. 13) 1978 . . . .
Marks Esther Simon Mar. 14, 1872 July 27, 1930 . . . .
Marks Hattie 1874 Jan. 21, 1959 . . . .
Marks Henrietta Kahn Sept. 15, 1846 Aug. 22, 1914 Mother . . .
Marks Jacob Feb. 28, 1845 Aug. 31, 1901 Father . . .
Marks Maurice 1879 (Mar. 30) 1939 Son . . .
Marks Mose July 15, 1868 May 29, 1949 . . . .
May Clara W. Mar. 14, 1844 Aug. 31, 1926 Mother . . .
May Gerson J. Jan. 25, 1875 Mar. 15, 1924 Brother . . .
May Julius June 21, 1847 June 7, 1904 Father . . .
May Lee J. 1882 1948 . . . .
May Reta C. Sept. 16, 1885 Dec. 19, 1924 Beloved Wife of Lee J. May . . .
Michael Benjamin Feb. 16, 1809 Apr. 4, 1891 . . . .
Michael Benjamin Feb. 4, 1854 Mar. 26, 1915 . . . .
Michael Carrie Biederman July 8, 1868 Sept. 4, 1917 Wife of Mohr Michael . . .
Michael Charles Nov. 9, 1971 Jan. 28, 1931 Father . . .
Michael Mike May 2, 1861 Oct. 24, 1925 Father . . .
Michael Mohr Sept. 13, 1866 Dec. 25, 1918 . . .
Michael Mollie Jan. 20, 1867 Mar. 26, 1927 Mother . . .
Michael Pauline Dec. 21, 1872 May 20, 1932 Mother . . .
Michael Rosetta . Nov. 17, 1896 Aged 78 Yrs. Wife of Ben Michael . .
Michelson Bernard May 1,1911 Sept. 3, 1980 . . . .
Michelson Ira S. Jan. 21, 1906 Mar. 15, 1962 . . . .
Michelson Lillian June 27, 1915 Aug. 28, 1979 . . . .
Michelson Max J. Apr. 9, 1867 Dec. 27, 1914 . . . .
Michelson Simon J. Feb. 6, 1879 Apr. 11, 1938 . Same Vault as Pearl Michelson Levy . .
Minnen Faith Young Mar. 31, 1932 . Beloved Wife of Lionel Mother of Michael, Bradley and JonathanGrandmother Goobie . .
Minnen Lionel Hirsch Jan. 22, 1926 . Beloved Husband of Faith Father of Michael, Bradley and JonathanGrandfather Papa . .
Minnen Michael Steven June 9, 1952 Mar. 10, 1984 Beloved Son, Brother, Husband and Father . . .
Mintz Louise L. 1910 2006 . . . .
Mintz Phillip H. 1916 2000 . . . .
Morris [?] Solomon Dec. 2, 1826 July 10, 1882 Shlomo ben Benjamin A native of Baden, Germany Hebrew .
Nauheim Flora June 23, 1890 Feb. 21, 1900 Daughter of Isaac & Sophie Nauheim . . .
Nauheim Isaac 1844 1909 Additional Info . .
Nauheim Sophie 1862 1930 . . . .
Nemer Marshall E. Nov. 9, 1922 June 14, 2002 Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather . . .
Pappenheimer Oscar Nov. 3, 1869 July 22, 1870 Beloved son of Jacob & Matilde Pappenheimer of Metroplis, Ill. Hebrew .
Peine Ben Sept. 7, 1872 Dec. 24, 1961 Beloved Husband . . .
Peine Stella Cohen Aug. 17, 1893 July 16, 1980 Beloved Sister . . .
Pogrotsky Dorothy 1903 (May 13) 1987 Died Caldwell County, KY . . .
Pogrotsky Edna . July 17, 1925 Infant . . .
Pogrotsky Saul 1898 (July 13) 1983 Died Caldwell County, KY . . .
Radder Esther Rheinstrom Aug. 22, 1830 Aug. 22, 1912 Wife of August Radder . . .
Randall Abraham P. Sept. 13, 1915 Apr. 25, 1917 Son of J. & M. Randall . . .
Reuben/Loeb Monument . . . . . .
Romer Mildred Livingston Sept. 4, 1904 July 11, 2003 Our Beloved Wife and Daughter . . .
Romer Milton Apr. 17, 1907 Sept. 22, 1983 In Loving Memory of My Husband . . .
Rosenberg Mirian Weille 1902 (Jan. 5) 1975 . . . .
Rosenberg Theodore, Dr. 1906 1981 . . . .
Rosenfield Aimee Marks . Feb. 3, 1988 Beloved Wife of Joseph . . .
Rosenfield Fannie May 5, 1972 Feb. 15, 1912 Mother . . .
Rosenfield Jacob A. Aug. 29, 1894 July 1, 1963 . . . .
Rosenfield Joseph May 10, 1902 Nov. 5, 1994 . . . .
Rosenfield Samuel Oct. 13, 1874 Dec. 18, 1928 Father . . .
Rosenthal Albert May 16, 1860 Mar. 6, 1908 Our Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Rosenthal Bessie Gertrude Oct. 24, 1876 Jan. 26, 1941 Our Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Rosenthal Goldye B. Jan. 18, 1897 Apr. 14, 1961 . . . .
Rosenthal Govriel L. Nov. 25, 1894 Oct. 13, 1947 Beloved Husband and Father Father . .
Rosenthal Govriel L., Jr. Sept. 22, 1919 Feb. 2, 1986 . . . .
Rosenthal Henrietta Apr. 1, 1828 June 24, 1910 To Our Dearly Beloved Mother . . .
Rosenthal "Infant G. L." May 1, 1922 May 1, 1922 No stone found . . .
Rosenthal Joseph Jerrold, Dr. Sept. 27, 1899 Jan. 16, 1959 . . . .
Rosenthal Julius Mar. 17, 1826 Dec. 8, 1892 . . Hebrew .
Rosenthal Julius T. Dec. 11, 1892 Sept. 24, 1969 . . . .
Rosenthal Lucille Weil Dec. 15, 1891 Nov. 13, 1938 Beloved Wife and Mother Mother . .
Rosenthal Mollie Dec. 20, 1862 Feb. 16, 1902 Daughter of Julius & Henrietta Rosenthal . . .
Rosenthal Moses, Dr. May 15, 1858 Feb. 22, 1919 Born in Scranton, Penn. Died at Kennett, Mo. . .
Rosenthal Rozell H. Mar. 4, 1894 Jan. 29, 1975 . . . .
Rosenthal Vera M. May 14, 1905 May 19, 1975 Buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Princeton, KY . . .
Rothschild Hedwig May 1841 Aug. 18, 1883 a native of Haigerloch, Hohenzollern Wife of Sol. Rothschild . .
Rothschild Max Mar. 2, 1872 Aug. 3, 1893 Beloved son of Solomon & Hedwig Rothschild . Hebrew .
Rothschild Solomon Jan. 21, 1841 Nov. 5, 1910 Born in Gemingen, Baden, Ger. Died in St. Louis, Mo. . . .
Rubel Louis Nov. 26, 1869 May 10, 1947 Husband of Helen Fels . . . .
Samuels Harriet W. May 2, 1925 Mar. 13, 1965 Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Samuels Jules Gordon June 29, 1922 Jan. 6, 2001 Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Schwab Lee Sept. 5, 1848 Nov. 4, 1924 . . . .
Schwab Moses Nov. 28, 1851 Aug. 6, 1929 Born in Odenback, Germany Died in Mound City, Illinois . .
Schwab Theresa Mar. 24, 1865 Jan. 17, 1946 Born in Louisville, Kentucky Died in St. Louis, Missouri . .
Schwab Tillie Jan. 12, 1858 July 19, 1944 . . . .
Schwartz Hyman May 5, 1896 Mar. 31, 1940 Father Our Beloved Husband and Father . .
Schwarzschild Eva . May 24, 1885 In 86th Year A native of Baden, Germany Hebrew .
Shapiro Henry Nov. 19, 1905 July 24, 1965 Loving Husband and Father . . photo photo
Shapiro Jeanne Wallerstein Jan. 16, 1913 Aug. 4, 2003 Devoted Wife and Mother . . .
Shefsky Morris H. 1856 July 15, 1888 Born in Poland . Hebrew .
Sheinberg Ida Goldwater Mar. 15, 1879 Oct. 10, 1967 Beloved Mother and Grandmother May Her Soul Be Bound Up In Eternal Life . .
Sickles Adelaide Harris . Jan. 4, 1961 Beloved Wife . . .
Sickles Jesse Sept. 9, 1870 Nov. 25, 1922 Beloved Husband . . .
Simon Bertha Goodman Feb. 17, 1876 Nov. 20, 1951 Mother . . .
Simon Moses Oct. 8, 1870 May 19, 1951 Father . . .
Simon Sam Aug. 1869 May 12, 1924 . . . .
Simon Sara Fels Feb. 25, 1830 Dec. 6, 1915 Mother . . .
Sloan Audrey Rosenthal July 12, 1901 July 17, 1974 Our Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Sloan Infant Daughter Jan. 4, 1925 Jan. 4, 1925 Infant Daughter of Sam S. & Lillian A. Sloan . . .
Sloan Lillian A. Dec. 12, 1897 May 6, 1977 Mother Asked so little gave so much . .
Sloan Louis B. Mar. 15, 1860 May 17, 1954 Father . . .
Sloan Mert L. Oct. 5, 1892 May 10, 1939 Our Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Sloan Rebecca W. Nov. 15, 1860 May 24, 1938 Mother Birth Year: 1859, per death record . .
Sloan Samuel S. Nov. 1, 1890 Jan. 22, 1970 Mr. Paducah A Lifetime of Dedicated and Unselfish Service to His Community . .
Solomon Adolph Dec. 8, 1829 Mar. 2, 1888 Husband of Caroline R. Solomon Father . .
Solomon Caroline Rheinstrom Apr. 10, 1834 Dec. 9, 1873 Mother . . .
Solomon Marcus A. Dec. 19, 1863 July 25, 1915 . . . .
Solomon Samuel A. Apr. 7, 1864 Feb. 19, 1936 Son . . .
Solomon Timothy Brant Mar. 10, 1967 Aug. 14, 1982 28 Adar 25 Av Hebrew .
Sommers Julia Dec. 1, 1861 Nov. 27, 1888 Born Mannheim, Germany Wife of Emil Sommers . .
Steinfeld Amy Goldsmith July 2, 1888 Jan. 22, 1964 . . . .
Steinfeld Infant Daughter Dec. 14, 1920 Dec. 14, 1920 Daughter of Dr. M. and Amy Steinfeld Stillborn . .
Steinfeld Maurice June 29,1909 Nov. 27, 2002 . . . .
Steinfeld Morris Dec. 7, 1877 Apr. 17, 1964 . . . .
Stiller Bernard Norman Jan. 10, 1912 Dec. 26, 1994 Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather . . .
Stiller Charles Richard Jan. 28, 1949 May 11, 1995 Beloved Son, Brother, Friend . . .
Stiller Jonathan David June 24, 1944 Apr. 9, 1978 Beloved Son, Husband, Father . . .
Stiller Thelma . . . . . .
Stromberg Max June 15, 1862 June 6, 1896 Beloved Father . . .
Sussman Samuel Jan. 17, 1906 Dec. 17, 1982 . . . .
Sussman Sylvia Oct. 5, 1911 . . . . .
Talmage Henrietta Kahn Dec. 16, 1892 Mar. 6, 1983 Beloved Mother . . .
Tanhauser Clara May 1, 1840 Feb. 7, 1907 Born at Hechingen, Hohenzollern, Germany Died at Warrensburg, Mo.; interment Paducah February 10, 1907+F408 . .
Tanhauser Lehman Feb. 14, 1830 Mar. 4, 1890 Born at Budenhausen, Wurtemberg, Germany . . .
Tick Barbara M. Apr. 8, 1896 Mar. 10, 1983 . . . .
Tick Harry "Jack" Nov. 8, 1918 Oct. 23, 2006 . . . .
Tick Helen G. Mar. 23, 1891 Aug. 10, 1972 . . . .
Tick Inez M. Mar. 22, 1883 May 2, 1943 Mother . . .
Tick Jean M. Oct. 26, 1915 Apr. 26, 2003 . . . .
Tick Julius Oct. 4, 1882 Dec. 2, 1953 . . . .
Tick Lee Feb. 6, 1885 July 18, 1969 . . . .
Tick Louis K. Jan. 14, 1908 Aug. 28, 1971 . . . .
Tick Mary Eicher Feb. 15, 1916 . . . . .
Tick Samuel Isaac Aug. 12, 1874 June 23, 1945 Father . . .
Ullman Ada H. June 14, 1877 Apr. 4, 1949 . . . .
Ullman Albert Mar. 17, 1871 Dec. 1, 1920 Son of Joseph No stone found . .
Ullman Infant Daughter . Dec. 14, 1920 Infant Daughter . . .
Ullman Buford Mar. 16, 1880 Feb. 15, 1963 . . . .
Ullman Jacob Mar. 7, 1835 May 7, 1891 . . . .
Ullman Jesse Oct. 6, 1874 Nov. 1, 1946 Spanish War Veteran Marker . . .
Ullman Joseph Mar. 5, 1838 May 6, 1912 . . . .
Ullman Priscilla Apr. 23, 1848 May 4, 1925 . . . .
Ullman Sarah Jan. 20, 1809 Oct. 15, 1875 Wife of Seligman Ullman Born in Hohtu Jollern Hechinuen Hebrew .
Ullman Sophie Lowenthal Jan. 5, 1849 Aug. 27, 1890 nee Lowenthal . . .
Urbansky Mathilda Feb. 22, 1878 Nov. 10, 1906 Mother and Daughter . . .
Urbansky Naoma Mar. 30, 1903 Nov. 12, 1906 . . . .
Uri . . . (child's stone) . . .
Uri Emelia . July 22, 1871 Aged 43 Years . . .
Uri Morris . Aug. 24, 1872 Aged 53 Years . . .
Waldman Mark Jeffry July 8, 1954 July 21, 1954 Beloved Infant Son of Irvin & Harriet Waldman . . .
Waldman Morris Jan. 16, 1886 Aug. 17, 1927 . . Hebrew .
Wallerstein Betty Mar. 3, 1897 Aug. 29, 1949 Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Wallerstein Dorothy Louise Dec. 27, 1917 Jan. 1, 1918 Daughter of Herbert L. & Lillian Wallerstein . . .
Wallerstein Fannie Uri July 19, 1858 Nov. 13, 1913 Wife of H. Wallerstein Mother . .
Wallerstein Gertrude D. May 20, 1884 June 6, 1984 Wife . . .
Wallerstein Herbert Lawrence Apr. 6, 1885 July 22, 1980 After all of your good deeds are done, life's victory has been won.- H. L. W. 1924
Wallerstein Herman Aug. 3, 1839 Dec. 15, 1922 Father . . .
Wallerstein Jacob R. Apr. 22, 1851 Dec. 2, 1939 Father . . .
Wallerstein Lillian Klein Oct. 8, 1888 Dec. 14, 1982 . . . .
Wallerstein Lulie Uri July 1, 1862 Dec. 23, 1913 Wife of J. Wallerstein Mother Note: "Louise M." on death record .
Wallerstein Max Dec. 12, 1892 Oct. 13, 1954 Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Wallerstein Melvin B. Aug. 24, 1882 June 20, 1950 Son . . .
Wanderer Janet Loeb Feb. 6, 1909 Aug. 26, 1991 In Memory of Our Beloved Mother & Grandmother . . .
Weil Adolph 1868 (June 5) 1943 . . . .
Weil Belle Hesse Mar. 26, 1863 Nov. 4, 1947 Our Beloved Wife and Mother . . .
Weil Bernhold Mar. 27, 1839 Oct. 8, 1880 (Brother of Henry Weil) (of Mayfield, KY) Hebrew .
Weil Edwin B. Apr. 27, 1876 Nov. 21, 1901 . . . .
Weil Evelyn 1905 1907 . . . .
Weil Hannah Arabella Apr. 8, 1889 Aug. 18, 1889 Beloved Daughter of Herman L. & Belle Weil . . .
Weil Henry Mar. 2, 1902 Aug. 3, 1979 . . . .
Weil Henry Aug. 2, 1834 Apr. 13, 1900 . . . .
Weil Herman L. Dec. 18, 1859 Oct. 8, 1896 Our Beloved Husband and Father . . .
Weil Jeanette Hirsch May 24, 1844 May 24, 1914 . . . .
Weil Jesse . . . . . .
Weil Julius Nov. 21, 1848 June 26, 1915 Born at Haigerloch, Germany Beloved Husband . .
Weil Kate 1878 (Nov. 28) 1957 . . . .
Weil Lee May 13, 1870 Apr. 22, 1927 . . . .
Weil Nona S. Mar. 15, 1881 June 27, 1946 . . . .
Weil Sallie Levy Apr. 11, 1854 July 27, 1918 Born at Marion KY Daughter . .
Weil Vivien R. . . . . . .
Weille Ben Nov. 14, 1857 (Oct. 10, 1932) . . . .
Weille Benjamin Mar. 19, 1833 Feb. 26, 1896 Husband & Father . . .
Weille Charles L. Aug. 23, 1860 Sept. 4, 1948 Son . . .
Weille Henry Feb. 2, 1867 Aug. 3, 1875 Son of B. & J. Weille . . .
Weille James Oct. 11, 1864 Dec. 17, 1941 Husband and Father . . .
Weille Jeanette Feb. 16, 1837 Dec. 19, 1917 Wife & Mother . . .
Weille Laura . (Jan. 2, 1940) . . . .
Weille Minnie Oct. 30, 1873 Dec. 13, 1957 Wife and Mother . . .
Wepfer Walter A. Apr. 9, 1874 Feb. 17, 1948 Father of Leonie Lowenthal . . .
Wile Fannie Apr. 2, 1823 Nov. 14, 1876 Born in Randegg, Baden, German Wife of Jacob Wile Hebrew .
Wile Henry J. Oct. 9, 1860 Aug. 22, 1889 Husband of Gertie L. Wile . . .
Wile Jacob Oct. 15, 1827 Mar. 2?, 1875 Age 48 . Hebrew .
Williams Fredericka R. Feb. 21, 1856 Dec. 24, 1921 Our Beloved One . . .
Williams Samuel W. June 20, 1845 Oct. 30, 1896 Beloved Husband . . .
Wolfe Charles Aug. 26, 1836 May 6, 1900 Born at Carlsbach, Germany . . .
Wolff Bertha Leiber 1855 1922 . . . .
Wolff Simon 1849 1897 . . . .
Wolfson Herman Apr. 25, 1884 Mar. 31, 1927 . . . .
Wolfstein Lauren Bright Dec. 12, 1918 Aug. 1, 1936 Son of Louis and Regina Note: "Lowren" on death record . .
Wolfstein Regina Bright Nov. 22, 1889 Sept. 21, 1954 . . . .
Yaffe Victor July 31, 1917 Apr. 8, 1976 Born Chicago, Died Paducah Son of Max E. & Rose Herwitz Yaffe-Novak . .
Young Leon Joel June 29, 1908 May 21, 1991 Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather Our Dadoo . .
Young Mary Sorkin Jan. 11, 1911 Feb. 28, 1993 Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother Our Mama . .

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Bob Sweeney, Husband of Lynn Franklin
At Temple Israel Cemetery
Paducah, Kentucky
Founded 1864
Back of Historical Sign
June 2008
Photo by Lynn Franklin